n++ plugin, Postgresql formatting
Is it a wrong setting, or a bug?
Dear adp,
thanks for your post. I will fix this this weekend.
n++ plugin, Postgresql formatting
Is it a wrong setting, or a bug?
Hi, this issue is now solved with the new release
It is much better, but I have align problems with a column alias (this is part of a function) in a select statement.
I have not found a setting to eliminate space between coalesce and the opening parenthesis and I think there is too much space before "as". is it a bug or setting?
@adp is this a pipe-character before the "as"?
Could you please export your profile and send it via mail to "info at sqlinform dot com"
@guidomarcel No, that was the cursor at the time of the screenshot.
Sent the mail, subject is 'Profile as requested in the "Aligning field names in create table generates unaligned commas" topic'
Your profile looks fine. Could you please double-check that the alignment of ALIAS is not checked