I used SQLinForm with great pleasure.
Unfortunately, I have now encountered a problem for which I hope for help here.
I need to format SQL relatively often which comes from a 3rd party software.
Here, for example, tables are formatted so:
SELECT bla FROM ${table_name.SQL_TABLE_NAME} fg INNER JOIN ${second_table_name.SQL_TABLE_NAME} dt ON ( fg.bki_reference_date_id = dt.bki_date_id )
It is important that the e.g. table_name is written in lower case and the SQL_TABLE_NAME in upper case.
My keywords settings are:
complete sql: "No Change"
Keyawords: "uppercase"
non keywords: lowercase
I have now tried all possible variations, but cannot find a way to define SQL_TABLE_NAME as "My Keyword".
Is there a workaround for this?
Hi Benjamin,
thanks for your feedback. This looks like a bug. Will check this.