I have created a profile in the SSMS plugin and want to export it and share it with another developer that is using the SSMS plugin.
How do I do that?
Would you please point me to a web page that contains the instructions?
The "Import Profile" button in the SQLInform configuration appears to work but the "Live Preview" does not reflect the import. Users (such as myself) get confused because it looks like nothing changed.
When I toggle to the "Alignment & Comments" tab, and then toggle back to the "Main Options" tab the "Live Preview" reflects the import configuration. This looks like a bug to me; "Live Preview" should be refreshed after an "Import Profile".
Also we are unable to save a profile using the "Save Profile 1" button. Do these buttons work?
Hello @hemlock,
thanks for your feedback.
* Are you working with SSMS 19 ?
* Do you perform the "Import" in the Desktop Version or in N++ ?
Hello @admin, I am using SSMS v19.3. We use the "Import Profile" button in SSMS. This is a very convenient tool to use.
Hello @hemlock,
Sorry for answering only today.
It looks like you installed the plugin for SSMS17/18 also for SSMS19 by copying the plug in folder to the SSMS extension folder?