Is it possible to add formatting options to the AS, IS and RETURN keywords in FUNCTIONS/PROCEDURES/PACKAGES so that they can be configured either on the same line or after the definition line?
This option would allow this PL/SQL to be formatted like the following:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pkg_archive_process AS gerror NUMBER; gpackageversion NUMBER; FUNCTION l_f_get_process_id (a_process_name VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; l_process_id NUMBER; ...
would become...
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pkg_archive_process AS gerror NUMBER; gpackageversion NUMBER; FUNCTION l_f_get_process_id (a_process_name VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; l_process_id NUMBER; ...
Hi jasonccrane,
thanks for your post.
Technically this would be possible but I have to find a way how to add these options without confusing the users too much.
Will think about this one