Thank you, @admin! Are the parenthesis options still in the Ins/Upd/Del section for the MERGE? In other words, does changing the options there apply...
That would work just fine. Thank you!
@admin Disregard my last comment - I downloaded and tested. Looks great. Thank you!
@admin Thank you! Is there a new download available?
@admin I only use the Desktop App
@admin Guido, The statement below serves as a good example: MERGE INTO "SCHEMA"."CL_MAPPING" tgt USING ( SELECT '5' AS "COMPANY_ID" , '1' ...
@admin yes, give me a bit of time to come up with my most common examples. Thanks for help!
@admin Something I have also noticed with some of the keyword formatting is the MERGE statement does not have a section under the SQL>Ins/Upd/De...
@admin thank you. Would this also include WITH statements?
My pleasure! This was using the 64 bit Desktop App, no N++ plug-in. Very much appreciate the quick turnaround!
Got it, thanks!
@admin You're the best!